Heinz Hartmann - Bibliografie

Heinz Hartmann Schriften:

Hartmann, H., Zila, L. (1917): Über die sogenannte Chiningewöhnung. Münch. Med. Wochsch., 64: 1597- 1598.
Hartmann, H. (1927):  Die Grundlagen der Psychoanalyse. Leipzig: Thieme.
Hartmann, H. (1928): Psychoanalyse und Wertproblem. Imago, 14: 421- 440.
Hartmann, H. (1939): Ich- Psychologie und Anpassungsproblem. Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 24: 62- 135.
Hartmann, H. (1943): Psychodynamics of Abnormal Behavior: By J. F. Brown, Ph.D. New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940. 484 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 12:259-261.
Hartmann, H. (1944): Survey of Objective Studies of Psychoanalytic Concepts: By Robert R. Sears. Hartmann, H. (2007). The Unconscious in Self Psychology. Int. J. Psychoanal. Self Psychol., 2:291-313.
Hartmann, H. (1944): The Psychiatric Work of Paul Schilder*. Psychoanal. Rev., 31:287-298.
Hartmann, H. (1945): Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War. By Ludwig von Mises. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. 291 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 14:406-408.
Hartmann, H. (1946): Psychiatrische Untersuchungen an Einer Serie Von Zwillingen. (Psychiatric Research on a Series of Twins.): By Erik Essen-Moeller. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1941. 200 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 15:380-381.
Hartmann, H. (1948): Comments on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Instinctual Drives. Psychoanal Q., 17:368-388.
Hartmann, H. (1948): Rediscovery of Justice: By F. R. Bienenfeld. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1947. 263 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 17:400-402.
Hartmann, H. (1950): Comments on the Psychoanalytic Theory of the Ego. Psychoanal. St. Child, 5:74-96.
Hartmann, H. (1950): Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology. Psychoanal. St. Child, 5:7-17.
Hartmann, H. (1950): The Application of Psychoanalytic Concepts to Social Science. Psychoanal Q., 19:385-392.
Hartmann, H. (1951): Technical Implications of Ego Psychology. Psychoanal Q., 20:31-43.
Hartmann, H. (1952): Organization and Pathology of Thought: By David Rapaport. New York: Columbia University Press, 1951. 786 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 21:235-239.
Hartmann, H. (1952): The Mutual Influences in the Development of Ego and Id. Psychoanal. St. Child, 7:9-30.
Hartmann, H. (1953): Contribution to the Metapsychology of Schizophrenia. Psychoanal. St. Child, 8:177-198.
Hartmann, H. (1955): Notes on the Theory of Sublimation. Psychoanal. St. Child, 10:9-29.
Hartmann, H. (1956): Notes on the Reality Principle. Psychoanal. St. Child, 11:31-53.
Hartmann, H. (1957): Ernst Kris (1900-1957). Psychoanal. St. Child, 12:9-15.
Hartmann, H. (1958): Comments on the Scientific Aspects of Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. St. Child, 13:127-146.
Hartmann, H. (1964): Concept Formation in Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. St. Child, 19:11-47.
Hartmann, H. (1969): Introductory Comments on ‚Menschen Kenntnis‘. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 50:529-531.
Hartmann, H. (1981): A Review of Twins: A Study of Three Pairs of Identical Twins by Dorothy Burlingham. Psychoanal. St. Child, 36:147-150.
Hartmann, H. (2004): Mirroring and Mentalizing: A Discussion of Nancy VanDerHeide’s Clinical Case. Progress in Self Psychology, 20:253-258.
Hartmann, H., Zila, L. (1918): Das Schicksal des Chinins im Organismus. Arch. Exper. Pathol. & Pharmakol., 83: 221- 234.
Hartmann, H.; Betlheim, S. (1924): Über Fehlreaktionen bei der Korsakoffschen Psychose. Arch, Psychiat. & Nervenkr., 72: 278- 286.
Hartmann, H., Schilder, P. (1927): Körperinneres und Körperschema. Z. Neurol. &Psychiat., 109: 666- 675.
Hartmann, H., Kris, E. (1945): The Genetic Approach in Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. St. Child, 1:11-30.
Hartmann, H., Kris, E., Loewenstein, R.M. (1946): Comments on the Formation of Psychic Structure. Psychoanal. St. Child, 2:11-38.
Hartmann, H., Kris, E., Loewenstein, R.M. (1949): Notes on the Theory of Aggression. Psychoanal. St. Child, 3:9-36.
Jacobson, E., Spitz, R.A., Waelder, R., Davison, C., Bell, A., Mittelmann, B., Mahler, M.S., Bychowski, G., Kris, E., Greenacre, P., Freud, A., Hartmann, H., Lewin, B.D., Escalona, S., Loewenstein, R.M. (1954): Problems of Infantile Neurosis—A Discussion. Psychoanal. St. Child, 9:16-71.
Hartmann, H., Loewenstein, R.M. (1962): Notes on the Superego. Psychoanal. St. Child, 17:42-81.
Cooper, S.H., Hartmann, E. (1986): Hostility Levels of Lifetime Nightmare Sufferers: A Test of a Clinical Hypothesis. Psychoanal. Psychol., 3:373-377.
Hartmann, H., Milch, W.E. (2000): Chapter 6 The Need for Efficacy in the Treatment of Suicidal Patients: Transference and Countertransference Issues. Progress in Self Psychology, 16:87-101.
New York: Social Science Research Council, 1943. 156 pp.. Psychoanal Q., 13:101-102.

Sekundärliteratur, Quellen:

Eissler, R. (1970). Heinz Hartmann. Psa Study Child; p. 9- 11.
Firestein, St. (1973). Interview with Dora Hartmann. Oral history Collection. New York Psychoanalytic Institute.
Hartmann, H. (1965). Oral History Interview. New York. Columbia University. Oral History Research Office. Butler Library.
Huber, W. (1977). Psychoanalyse in Österreich seit 1933. Wien, Salzburg.
Leupold- Löwenthal, H. (1986). Handbuch der Psychoanalyse. Wien: Orac.
Loewenstein, R. M. (1966). Heinz Hartmann. Psychology of the Ego. In: Alexander, F. et al (Ed.). Psychoanalytic Pioneers. New York; p. 469- 483.
Loewenstein, R. M. (1970). Obituary. Heinz Hartmann. IJP 51; p. 417- 419.
Loewenstein, R. M. (1970). Heinz Hartmann. Psa Quart; p. 12- 15.
Mühlleitner, E. (1992). Biographisches Lexikon der Psychoanalyse. Die Mitglieder der Psychologischen Mittwoch-Gesellschaft und der Wiener Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung 1902-1938. Tübingen.
Rowntree, E. B. (1985). The Education of an Analyst. Selections from Unpublished Interviews with Heinz Hartmann. Psychoanalytic Education 4; p. 19- 28.
Swerdloff, B. (1963). Interview with Heinz Hartmann. New York. 13.2.1963. Oral History Collection. New York Psychoanalytic Institute.
Waldhorn, H. F. (1977). Heinz Hartmann und die Moderne Psychoanalyse. In: Eicke, D. (Hg.). Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts III. Freud und die Folgen (2). Zürich. S. 182- 209.

Text: Barbara Forstinger, 2008
Redaktion: CD, 3.6.2010